Our total

Your team total includes offline and JustGiving income but excludes Gift Aid.

Any donations that haven't been raised directly through the official Longest Day Golf fundraising page or JustGiving may not show on the leaderboard or individual fundraising pages but will still count towards the overall competition total.

Paul, Chris, Gordon and Peter are taking on the Longest Day Golf Challenge for MacMillan Cancer Support Representing the WET Golf Society on July 3rd 2024. They will be hoping to complete 72 holes in between sun up and sun set - previous years have proven it can be done, but only just! They each have their own motivation for taking part. Please sponsor the WET GOLFERS to show your support for them taking on this heroic challenge!! … Read less

Paul, Chris, Gordon and Peter are taking on the Longest Day Golf Challenge for MacMillan Cancer Support Representing the WET Golf Society on July 3rd 2024. They will be hoping to complete 72 holes in between sun up and sun set - previous years have … Read more

Meet the team


Paul A

Handicap 10

Playing In memory of

Nancy, Harry & Patricia

In the bag:

As much help as I can get + Painkillers, Compass and Jelly Babies.


Chris P

Handicap 15

In the bag:

Not many balls as according to the Captain I’ve never lost a ball…(so wrong!!)


Gordon B

Handicap 20

Playing In memory of

Derek Miles

In the bag:

Stuff I dream of using like the pros do on TV 🤣🙃😂


Peter G

In the bag:

Food and lots of waterproof clothing.

Our Event

We'll be tackling our Longest Day Golf Challenge on Wednesday, 03 July 2024

We'll be playing at Hever Castle Golf Club

Sponsor us to help raise more for Macmillan to support people living with cancer.

Our supporters