The Fore Horsemen

Our total

Your team total includes offline and JustGiving income but excludes Gift Aid.

Any donations that haven't been raised directly through the official Longest Day Golf fundraising page or JustGiving may not show on the leaderboard or individual fundraising pages but will still count towards the overall competition total.

Here we go again people... I need you and your support... Please! The pictures at the top are of my mum, Liz. Many of you knew her. She was so many things to so many people; friend, teacher, colleague, charity worker, mentor. To me she was a better mum than I could ever have asked for. But to all who knew her she was inspirational, respected and most importantly, loved. We tragically lost her to cancer a few years ago and Macmillan, the charity she worked so hard to support in healthy times, were there to support her when she needed them. This year I very nearly backed out due to my own health scare and a short stay in hospital, but then a video of my mum popped up on my Facebook memories. She had recorded a video on her final day of 'Walk All Over Cancer' a month of 10,000 steps per day which she undertook during her chemo. She didn't let anything stop her from doing what was important to her; what she felt was the right thing to do! So, along with my amazing team, Jim, Chris and Mike, I'm asking you to help support this amazing charity. Hopefully you will never need them, but I am so glad that they are for people who do. They offer support, help and compassion to people fighting cancer and gave my mum the dignity she needed in her final days. Please help us by donating what you can... and if you can't... you're still amazing people! … Read less

Here we go again people... I need you and your support... Please! The pictures at the top are of my mum, Liz. Many of you knew her. She was so many things to so many people; friend, teacher, colleague, charity worker, mentor. To me she was a better … Read more

Meet the team


Ben S


Jim N


Michael P


Chris B

Our Event

We'll be tackling our Longest Day Golf Challenge on Wednesday, 24 July 2024

We'll be playing at High Gosforth Park

Sponsor us to help raise more for Macmillan to support people living with cancer.

Our supporters