Our total
Your team total includes offline and JustGiving income but excludes Gift Aid.
Any donations that haven't been raised directly through the official Longest Day Golf fundraising page or JustGiving may not show on the leaderboard or individual fundraising pages but will still count towards the overall competition total.
The Fantastic Fore is made up of 4 exceptional junior golfers (9-14 years old) who just LOVE to play golf. We are taking part in this event, not just because we love golf but to raise some money for charity.. (oh and and a day off school) We will be playing 54 holes of golf at Sturminster Marshall Golf Club and we can't wait to smash it. We will be starting at 07.30am (sad times for our parents). This will be a long day, and over 10,644 yards! There we will be plenty of fun, snacks, as well as lots of encouragement from our friends, family and the Golf Club. We are so excited and can't wait to play on 20th June 2024. Please follow our journey and help us raise money for a great charity. Read less
The Fantastic Fore is made up of 4 exceptional junior golfers (9-14 years old) who just LOVE to play golf. We are taking part in this event, not just because we love golf but to raise some money for charity.. (oh and and a day off school) We will b Read more
Meet the team
Zachary A
Handicap 34
In the bag:
I’m using Ping Prodi G clubs (driver, fairway wood, hybrid, 7 iron, 9 iron, PW, SW and 56) My TaylorMade spider putter TaylorMade soft speed ink balls Sooooo many snacks!!!
Amelia Leigh S
Handicap 15
In the bag:
Ping Gle2 clubs Tour stripe response balls
Lily-Paige L
Handicap 16
In the bag:
Snacks, Notebooks and a few Golf Accessories!
Harmony G
Handicap 17
In the bag:
Callaway reva golf balls, ping driver, lynx irons callaway wedges and a cobra putter. Sneaky chocolate bar usually sea salt chickpeas and a chocolate huel drink and if im cheeky a bottle of fanta
Our Event
We'll be tackling our Longest Day Golf Challenge on Thursday, 20 June 2024
We'll be playing at Sturminster Marshall Golf Club
Sponsor us to help raise more for Macmillan to support people living with cancer.